Titel: Sculpture from Antiquity to the present day ISBN: 9783822816622 Conditie: Used This publication takes a new look at how works of sculpture were created, the circumstances of their discovery, and the historical and political background. Ranging from works of antiquity through the middle ages and the renaissance, to the present day, this volume with over 1,000 illustrations offers a fascinating overview of how sculpture has developed and responded to different influences throughout the centuries. It clearly explains how this art form has evolved to reflect the intellectual and spiritual attitudes of its times, as well as producing great masterpieces whose fascination is timeless. Featuring work of; Donatello, Michelangelo, Cellini, Primaticcio, Bernini, Picasso, Brancusi, Giacometti, Calder, Moore, Beuys, Koons, Hirst and Whiteread as well as nameless works from antiquity and the middle ages.
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