Logic Primer

sinds 17-11-2023 11:11:42

prijs: € 14,65
Locatie : Rotterdam  (Zuid-Holland)
Website : Bezoek website



Titel: Logic Primer Auteur: Elihu Carranza ISBN: 9781479116379 Conditie: Used Logic Primer is a classroom and laboratory for students engaged in the study of logic. From the writings of Dr. Gordon H. Clark, logic is defined as "the science of necessary inference." The Primer divides into seven chapters. Chapter 1 defines necessary basic terms to enable the reader to begin the investigation. Chapter 2 describes the four standard propositional forms, their formal properties, and methods for translating nonstandard into standard form propositions. Chapter 3 discusses immediate inferences. Chapter 4 examines the syllogism by describing its elements, valid moods and figures, and methods for determining validity. Chapter 5 introduces the student to additional valid argument forms and two important formal fallacies. Chapter 6 covers truth-table analyses of extended arguments. Chapter 7 examines informal fallacies, their classification, and the need for strict definition as a means for avoiding informal fallacies. Each chapter ends with questions for review and exercises to test the student's progress. Exercises/Answers are provided in an Appendix. A glossary of terms with corresponding chapter numbers serves as an index.
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